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Displaying 4001-4010 of 8256 result(s).
First NameLast NameDate of Birth
Date of Death
Delia W.Jacobs1858-00-001865-00-00Mt. View (Camden)Child of Benjamin C. & Theresa Jacobs.View
Delia W.Jacobs1834-00-001854-00-00Mt. View (Camden)View
FrederickJacobs1795-00-001834-00-00Mt. View (Camden)View
Frederick, Jr.Jacobs1831-00-001848-00-00Mt. View (Camden)Son of Frederick & Julia A. Jacobs. He died in New OrleansView
Isabel S.Jacobs0000-00-001863-00-00Mt. View (Camden)No Date of Birth Available, Died Age 8mos. & Child of Benjamin C. & Theresa JacobsView
Julia A.Jacobs1803-00-001869-00-00Mt. View (Camden)Wife of Frederick JacobsView
MargaretJacobs1762-00-001837-00-00Mt. View (Camden)Wife of Samuel Jacobs, Esq.View
MaryJacobs1770-00-001841-00-00Mt. View (Camden)Wife of Bela JacobsView
RobertJacobs1792-00-001829-00-00Mt. View (Camden)View
SamuelJacobs1791-00-001835-00-00Mt. View (Camden)View