
Displaying 4271-4280 of 8256 result(s).
Name First: James
Name Last: Lamb
Date Of Birth: 1844-00-00
Date Of Death: 1859-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)

Name First: John
Name Last: Lamb
Date Of Birth: 1842-00-00
Date Of Death: 1858-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)

Name First: Priscilla
Name Last: Lamb
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1976-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available

Name First: Susan
Name Last: Lamb
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 0000-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Dates of Birth or Death Available, No Stone. Wife of William C. Lamb

Name First: William C.
Name Last: Lamb
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 0000-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Dates of Birth or Death Available, No Stone.

Name First: Dean
Name Last: Lambert
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1992-12-25
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available, Died Age 76 years

Name First: Carl
Name Last: Lammi
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 0000-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Dates of Birth or Death Available, He was taken up elsewhere and re-buried here in 1941. Father of Maynard Lammi

Name First: Fred Edwin
Name Last: Lammi
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1972-10-17
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available, Died Age 45 years

Name First: Helmi S.
Name Last: Lammi
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1971-09-14
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available, Died Age 83 years

Name First: Karl E.
Name Last: Lammi
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 2000-03-28
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available, Died Age 51 years
