Using the Library's Local Cemetery Database

To begin searching the database immediately, click on the "Find" link above. If you have questions about how to start, please read the information below.

The Quick Search

The easiest way to get started is just to use a "filtered" search. When you go the the "Find" page, you'll see that some results already appear. That is beause all results for the database are shown initially. To begin filtering results, you can enter text in the text field near the top of each column. If you're searching for anyone with a last name of "Anderson" for example, simply type "Anderson" (without the quotes) under "Last Name". If that yields too many results, and you know the first name is Jeremiah, then type "Jeremiah" (without the quotes) under "First Name". Hit ENTER on your keyboard after entering your text to begin each search.

You'll notice that the more fields you enter text into, the more narrow your search becomes.

Once you find the person you are looking for, click on the magnifying glass for full details.

The Advanced Search

To start using the Advanced Search, simply click on the "Advanced Search" link above the results table

The advanced search works exactly the same way as the filtered search, but there are more fields by which to search.