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Displaying 7001-7010 of 8256 result(s).
First NameLast NameDate of Birth
Date of Death
Celia S.Hardy1857-00-001949-00-00Mt. View (Camden)View
Celia R.Alexander1897-11-081987-11-17Mt. View (Camden)View
Celia MayMorse0000-00-001969-12-18Mt. View (Camden)No Date of Birth Available, Died Age 71 yearsView
Celia MCernosia1898-06-011960-06-23Mt. View (Camden)Daughter of Edwin C. & Lillian Young Diplock and Wife of Sam F. CernosiaView
Celia J. BarnesDailey1846-00-001936-00-00Mt. View (Camden)View
Celia H.Perry0000-00-001938-00-00Mt. View (Camden)No Date of Birth AvailableView
CeliaReed1877-12-181964-03-30Mt. View (Camden)Widow of W. Foster Reed and Daughter of Benjamin & Mary Blake KellerView
CeliaStimson0000-00-000000-00-00Mt. View (Camden)No Dates of Birth or Death Available. No Stone.View
Celestine Olive (Wentworth)Smith1895-00-001963-06-23Mt. View (Camden)Family says a baby buried years ago on lot.View
Celestia A. DecrowMathews1839-00-001880-00-00Mt. View (Camden)Daughter of Isaac & Grace DecrowView