
Displaying 5851-5860 of 8256 result(s).
Name First: Lucie E.
Name Last: Poland
Date Of Birth: 1906-08-30
Date Of Death: 1979-02-10
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)

Name First: Lucille W.
Name Last: Poland
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1990-05-12
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Died Age 95 years. No Grave Number Available.

Name First: Elizabeth G.
Name Last: Pomeroy
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 0000-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Dates of Birth or Death Available. Ashes

Name First: Ethel
Name Last: Pomeroy
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1977-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available

Name First: John M.
Name Last: Pomeroy
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 0000-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Dates of Birth or Death Available.

Name First: Lillian
Name Last: Pomeroy
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1952-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Wife of Seth Pomeroy

Name First: Abbie S.
Name Last: Pomroy
Date Of Birth: 1866-00-00
Date Of Death: 1942-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Wife of Leander G. Pomroy

Name First: Blanche Isora
Name Last: Pomroy
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1974-04-24
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Died Age 85 years.

Name First: Fred
Name Last: Pomroy
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1943-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Son of Leander G. & Abbie S. Pomroy

Name First: Irene
Name Last: Pomroy
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1947-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Wife of John Pomroy
