
Displaying 691-700 of 8256 result(s).
Name First: Margaret Ann
Name Last: Bickmore
Date Of Birth: 1841-00-00
Date Of Death: 1900-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Wife of Capt. William H. Bickmore

Name First: Charlotte
Name Last: Bidmead
Date Of Birth: 1919-06-21
Date Of Death: 1972-01-19
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: Ashes.

Name First: Robert H.
Name Last: Bidmead
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1992-05-31
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Died Age 78 years. No Grave Number Available.

Name First: Thelma D.
Name Last: Bidmead
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1990-09-26
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Died Age 74 years. No Grave Number Available.

Name First: Caroline M.
Name Last: Billings
Date Of Birth: 1823-00-00
Date Of Death: 1903-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Wife of George Jackson Billings

Name First: Emma Caroline
Name Last: Billings
Date Of Birth: 1850-00-00
Date Of Death: 1850-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Infant Daughter of George Jackson Billings & Caroline B. (Stated above Caroline M. Billings)

Name First: George Jackson
Name Last: Billings
Date Of Birth: 1827-00-00
Date Of Death: 1852-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Born and Died in Charlestown, MA

Name First: Lettie
Name Last: Billings
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1983-09-06
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Died Age 92 years.

Name First: Sidney
Name Last: Billings
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1994-09-14
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Died Age 91 years. No Grave Number Available.

Name First: Ralph W.
Name Last: Bills
Date Of Birth: 1876-00-00
Date Of Death: 1907-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
