
Displaying 7131-7140 of 8256 result(s).
Name First: Baby
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 1958-00-00
Date Of Death: 1958-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Baby of Herbert Thompson

Name First: Blanche
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 0000-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Dates of Birth or Death Available.

Name First: Callie C. Payson
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 1882-01-27
Date Of Death: 1961-12-23
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Wife of Lovell Thompson and Daughter of Hollis & Claresta Payson.

Name First: Catherine
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1959-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Second Wife of Columbia S. Thompson.

Name First: Columbia S.
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 1848-00-00
Date Of Death: 1912-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Grave used right beside him. Might be first wife.

Name First: Dorothea Conary
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 1907-00-00
Date Of Death: 1951-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Wife of Carl Thompson.

Name First: Elista A.
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 1849-00-00
Date Of Death: 1935-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Wife of Gilbert B. Thompson

Name First: Elsie
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1983-02-12
Cemetery: Oak Hill (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available. Died Age 90 years. No Grave Number Available.

Name First: Ernest B.
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 1883-00-00
Date Of Death: 1958-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)

Name First: Esther
Name Last: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 1827-00-00
Date Of Death: 1895-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
