
Displaying 911-920 of 8256 result(s).
Name First: Sadie B. (Hardy)
Name Last: Brickett
Date Of Birth: 1876-10-10
Date Of Death: 1963-06-27
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Daughter of Adelbert J. & Susan Steward Hardy and Wife of Alonzo Brickett (Lonnie)

Name First: Bessie
Name Last: Bridge
Date Of Birth: 1838-00-00
Date Of Death: 1895-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Mother of Alice Bridge Howarth

Name First: Hannah
Name Last: Bridge
Date Of Birth: 1860-00-00
Date Of Death: 1942-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Sister of Alice Bridge Howarth

Name First: Baby
Name Last: Bridges
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 0000-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Dates of Birth or Death Available

Name First: Bradley E.
Name Last: Bridges
Date Of Birth: 1954-00-00
Date Of Death: 1955-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)

Name First: Grover Cleveland
Name Last: Bridges
Date Of Birth: 1888-12-25
Date Of Death: 1967-08-24
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Son of Moses H. and Jennie Higgins Bridges; Husband of Louise Bridges

Name First: Grover Jr.
Name Last: Bridges
Date Of Birth: 1915-00-00
Date Of Death: 1958-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Son of Grover Sr. & Mildred Hopkins Bridges

Name First: Kenneth E. Sr.
Name Last: Bridges
Date Of Birth: 0000-00-00
Date Of Death: 1994-11-28
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: No Date of Birth Available

Name First: Mildred L.
Name Last: Bridges
Date Of Birth: 1893-05-12
Date Of Death: 1984-01-24
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
Notes: Died aged 90 years

Name First: Paul S.
Name Last: Bridges
Date Of Birth: 1950-00-00
Date Of Death: 1950-00-00
Cemetery: Mt. View (Camden)
